Sunday, March 7, 2010
ASU Pipe Organ Concert

Tour of Coronado District in Phoenix

Last week the Coronado District opened their homes to the public. Officially, the Coronado district runs from the I-10 to Thomas and from 7th Street to 20th Street. The homes open for the tour were on the 1800 block of Willetta. I went with my friends Anne and Gail - even though it rained, we were still able to see cute homes all built from 1926 to 1946. They are being rennovated and the neighborhood is being taken back from gang activity and crack houses.We topped the afternoon off by eating at Cafe Barrio - a delicious Sunday brunch with Spanish guitar music to accompany us.
Monday, February 1, 2010
I Lost Count of the Days, But Not the Giving!!!

OK - I have been hanging in there on my giving challenge, but I stopped writing down what I was giving and I think I lost track! Here are more things I've done, but I can't remember what days I did them on! Yesterday, I went on a errand of mercy to my sister's house as she had her battery go dead. I also dropped off some extra roast beef I made for her and my Aunt and Uncle. Last week, I helped my friend Nancy wrap her dog's foot up before I went to work - I also bought her popcorn the night before, so I combined these as one gift. I made some banana bread for everyone at work. I made two large pans of enchiladas for Lauren's ski trip - it fed 21 of her friends! Packed up more Roast Beef for Jack today and gave him some extra gas money. I did a day of calls to some friends I haven't talked to in awhile. And now I am forgetting... I know I only missed one day. I am on Day 25! I think the book says that if you forget one day, you have to start over. I think I will add two days on the end and call it even! This picture has nothing to do with my giving project - I just know it is one of my Mom's favorite pictures of me. I was playing dress-up pioneer women with my trusty dog Ginger in Michigan. I ran around all summer in barefeet. Behind me is an old farmhouse we were renting while my Dad built our house down the road. Ahhh, the good old days...
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Ten, Eleven, Twelve

More of the 29 gifts - Day Ten: I went the whole day and didn't really have the chance to do much for anyone, so at the end of the day, I texted to my cell phone and gave a donation to Haiti. Not much effort or money, but I hope that collectively - it makes a difference.
Day Eleven: I went to my book club meeting and delivered a Cat Stevens mix (all my favorite songs of his) that I had made for my friend, Liz. It had been sitting on my desk for awhile, so it was great that I could finally give it to her. She recently lost her Mom - so I've been thinking of her. Day Twelve: I passed along the book I was reading for book club "The Guernsey Society and Potato Peel Book Club" and the "29-Gifts" book to my friend Mary at work. She and I have similar reading tastes and she said she would be interested in reading the 29-Gifts book. She also does a great deal for the people in her life, and always has a pleasant word for everyone she meets.
Day Eleven: I went to my book club meeting and delivered a Cat Stevens mix (all my favorite songs of his) that I had made for my friend, Liz. It had been sitting on my desk for awhile, so it was great that I could finally give it to her. She recently lost her Mom - so I've been thinking of her. Day Twelve: I passed along the book I was reading for book club "The Guernsey Society and Potato Peel Book Club" and the "29-Gifts" book to my friend Mary at work. She and I have similar reading tastes and she said she would be interested in reading the 29-Gifts book. She also does a great deal for the people in her life, and always has a pleasant word for everyone she meets.
The photo is one my sister had on her blog - it reminds me of the era of the Guernsey Society book. I can just picture the sheep saying weird things...
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Gifts Six through Nine
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Days 4 and 5 of Gift Giving Project

Sunday, January 10, 2010
29-Day Giving Challenge

OK - on Friday - three days ago, I decided to do the 29-Day Giving Challenge outlined in the book - 29 Gifts. It is the story of a women with M.S. that took at "prescription" to give 29 gifts in 29 days. When she did, she found out that giving brought her more than she expected. I read about her story on Friday morning and that day, when I went to yoga, my instructor was talking about what a great "gift" we give ourselves when we practice yoga. His whole talk was centered around giving and gifts, so I took it as a sign that I should try the 29-day challenge.
So here goes - Day One - I bought my friend Kelley a tea and salad after yoga - which she was resistant to at first, but then I told her it was part of my gift for the day, and she let me do that for her. She is such a good friend and always has a kind word for everyone, and does so much for everyone around her.
Day Two - I was going to the movies and there was a swarm of cars all trying to park in any spot that opened up. A guy in a red sports car and I were vying for the same spots, and when one became available that I was obviously first in line for, I waived him in and let him have it. He gave me a wonderful smile :)
Day Three - My son came over and I did his laundry and went to Subway and got him a sandwich and a cookie. (He, in turn, helped me take out the trash, rake leaves and set a trap for the dreaded roof rats in the "hood.") I probably would have done some of these things for him anyway, but instead of resenting him a bit - I was much happier doing it when I thought of it as a gift!
The book talks about giving all kinds of gifts and things that don't necessarily cost money, but maybe a kind word, a call to someone you haven't talked to in awhile, a thank you note, etc.
We will see how the challenge progresses. I will chart my progress here.
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